Over the last few pancake breakfast, I have been taking notice of the waffle recipes on the back of the Pamela’s Pancake mix. I prefer waffles to pancakes and have only had frozen gluten-free waffles in two years. So, I started seriously considering purchasing a waffle iron. Then, last week was Waffle Week on Rachel Ray, and it was enough to send me over the edge. I needed waffles!

So, I invited my sister and her boyfriend over and we had breakfast for dinner, complete with stacks for awesome gluten-free waffles. I even found some blueberry syrup that was gluten-free. The boys were impressed that you would never know the waffles were gluten-free. I was thrilled to have wonderful waffles to satisfy my craving. They were light an fluffy and so much better than frozen.

Take home message: find a way to make it gluten-free!! I now have to go back and find the waffle recipes from Rachel Ray and work on modifying them to make them gluten-free. I am on a mission!

Wishing you great food and happy tummies,
I use this a lot, and the way i get around the maneurisg is, as the following. I almost 100% of the time use the mix to make belgian waffles and the whole package will make 6 waffles (on my belgian waffle maker). The package is 18 oz net wt. If I want only 2 waffles, I have a little kitchen scale, and weigh the package (minus the paper outer package) to verify it’s 18oz, then open it and pour into my mixing bowl until there is only 12 oz left (using 6 oz of mix) (there may be other/better ways to measure, but my cheap plastic scale only holds 16 oz so i couldn’t put a bowl on top of it and then add 6 oz). Since all of the other ingredients added are easily divisible by 3, I add 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg, and 1 Tbls oil. Voila! I have used pamela’s baking and pancake mix for making waffles and prefer the trader joe’s mix by far (so does my non GF husband, though GF is still a step below regular gluten products, however, he eats what i eat when we are at home)
I’ve been really happy with the recipes that I’ve tried from the King Arthur website. They have one for waffles that are amazing. http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/gluten-free-pancakes-or-waffles-recipe We make a double batch every weekend and call it “Awful Waffle Day” because we all gorge until we feel awful. There are usually 4-5 left over and I eat them with PB and jelly on them or make some other sandwich with them or dust them with powdered sugar and a scoop of ice cream… 🙂