Walt Churchill’s Market is a great place to stock up on gluten-free groceries. It is also not your typical grocery store experience, it is actually relaxing. They carry many products you cannot find at Kroger or Meijer. I feel inspired to host a dinner party every time I go in there.
Some of my favorite items to pick up there are gluten-free sauces, including: soy, teriyaki and BBQ sauce. They also have many other amazing products and seem to be expanding on the number of gluten-free products they carry.
Here is a link to their gluten-free information: http://www.waltchurchillsmarket.com/gluten.htm
It shows all of the brands they carry. They state that there is a product that you cannot find, they may be able to order it for you. That is great customer service!
Wishing you great food and happy tummies.